It's time...

Claire Vane
January 12, 2024

Every New Year, we see many articles about resolutions which imply the need to set objectives. Many New Year’s resolutions fall by the wayside, but why? The answer is complex but is largely due to the way we set up resolutions and we do not always consider the wider skills base that we may need and the three most important axes of our lives - sleep, exercise and nutrition. We also fail to write down our resolutions and share them in our own world to give accountability. Also, we need to ensure that we are ‘ready,’ and the three axes of mental and physical health are vital.  

There is much being written about longevity and ageing well so that we can be as active as possible for as long as possible - both physically and mentally. We all have our favourite books, and mine are:

• The Longevity Diet by Walter Longo 

• Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker 

• Food for Life by Tim Spector (not to mention the Zoe programme)

• And then there is the wonderful inspiration of David Goggins

Undoubtedly the urge to sit down as we approach our fifties, sixties and seventies should be replaced by the effort to get up and go. Writing down objectives to support our resolutions becomes more, not less, important.  

There is no doubt that we have two things, and only two things, at our disposal - our intellect and talents, which are dependent totally on our health - hence the three axes above.  

Also, to achieve our goals we need to hone the way we spend our time. And last, we might add into the mix, the need for self-discipline; to acknowledge that this is not a God-given talent that is dropped into our laps, but something one cultivates.

So, if we are going to achieve our New Year’s resolutions, then we need to focus on the three axes, (sleep, nutrition and exercise), supported by self-discipline, and the effective drafting of resolutions/objectives.

If motivation is a problem, while we may feel that the world is getting worse, the wonderful book, Factfulness, by Hans Rosling, does present us with a very different fact base; many things are improving or have already done so.

If you would like to discuss aspects to develop the backcloth for your life for releasing your maximum best self, then please do get in touch.

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