For a good strategy, one needs a vision and then, it’s all in the planning…

Claire Vane
April 3, 2024

As the stakes are raised in relation to the economy, organisations are constantly looking for payback for time and human resources, not only using the term in its broadest sense to mean employees, but also their HR function. One of the reasons Integrated Resources was set up was to ‘hit the spot’ that was required, and not waste time providing services that are not needed. In some ways, being a HR consultant is easier than being in-house, but in other ways more difficult as we are constantly aiming to ensure that we are removing headaches and helping organisations to grow and prosper.

The strains and stresses within workforces are even greater than ever and the economic challenges are enormous. Though it is true that people are our most valuable asset, and many organisations say this, some are at a loss for utilising time and fees in the most effective way to achieve change and growth. This can be an exciting challenge, but we cannot do everything, and it strikes us that there are a number of activities that will become priorities for the coming year. Against a backcloth of hybrid contracts and remote working, and the introduction of artificial intelligence, to name but two items, the challenges are constantly changing and moving very quickly. The question that comes to mind is how do we combine:

• The need for swift response with transformation.

• The effective application of AI and shared services and the need for individuality

• Utilising strengths and competencies of each individual for growth of the organisation while looking after the individual.

• A streamlined approach while considering the individual brand and character of an organisation.

Developing an HR strategy instead of being reactive could be extremely important to cover the key areas such as hybrid and remote working and artificial intelligence. Other considerations must be new legislation, the robust application of existing legislation, use of technology combined with Data Protection and security of our systems – what we grandly call ‘cyber security’, and planning the workforce.

Equally important is being medium and long-termist as well as dealing with short-term challenges, employee engagement and the delivery of the psychological rather than just the employment contract, ensuring that each generation is skilled in the right areas, and that an organisation’s response is not simply reactive and driven by inertia until the last minute. The backcloth of mental health and wellbeing, so that individuals are working most productively and at the upper end of their happiness level, requires care. A HR strategy needs to cover these things and be pre-emptive, rather than reactive, so that money can be spent on the right areas.

We are here to support you not just in removing the headaches but for good forward planning. If you would like to discuss a pre-emptive, creative, commercially focused HR strategy, whatever your size, then please do get in touch.

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