Transform your life and work - how to be happier and more productive

Claire Vane
April 3, 2024

As the stakes are raised in relation to the economy, organisations are constantly looking for payback for time and human resources, not only using the term in its broadest sense to mean employees, but also their HR function. One of the reasons Integrated Resources was set up was to hit the spot that was required and not waste time in between providing services that are not needed. In some ways, being an HR consultant is easier than being in-house, but in other ways more difficult as we are constantly aiming to ensure that we are removing headaches and helping organisations to grow and prosper.

The strains and stresses within workforces are even greater than ever and the economic challenges are enormous. Though it is true that people are our most valuable asset and although many organisations say this, they are at a loss for using time and fees most effectively to achieve change. This can be an exciting challenge, but we cannot do everything, and it strikes us that there are a number of activities that will become priorities for the coming year.

Countless books have been written on happiness and productivity but there is more than one factor in making someone feel good. To achieve an outcome, we need to work out where we are heading; what is our outcome. To do this we need to access our desires. Human beings find this difficult. Individuals know that they’re not ‘happy/content/satisfied’ with their lot. They know they need to make a change; they may even want to make a change but just can’t work out what they need to do and then how to do it. If we’re not happy then we become less productive and less able to achieve as much as we want or be as happy as we would like. This workshop focuses on both work and home and your overall life, is hugely practical and can help you plan successfully the next decade and assist with transitions.


Exploring your journey to date in all areas of life, reviewing the positives and the negatives.

Guiding your thinking about what you really want.

• Analysis of you yourself and the market and ensuring that there is a good match.

• Working with you on exploring ways to capture greater peace of mind, happiness and productivity.

• Helping you to set goals for yourself and exploring why achievable outcomes matter.

• Participants will undergo a psychometric profile ahead of the workshop and will also receive a feedback session. You will come away, after the workshop itself, with a clear action plan, including a realistic timeline and a good understanding of your own values and drivers of behaviour.

• In addition, you will receive a recommended reading list at the end and the opportunity for a one-to-one follow-up, one hour session after the workshop to help you maximise your success.

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